yellow and grey

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fantasy Football Fashions

I wrote a post about football game attire back in February right before the Superbowl (see here).  With a new season kicked in high gear, I still beg of you female fans out there not to lose sight of your figures and fashion sense while tailgating or cheering on your favorite football teams.  

I do not expect you to pull out your old prom dresses and get decked out for games, but I do hope that you put forth a little thought and effort into making yourselves look fabulous while still being loyal fans. 

I can't devote an entire year on what to wear for every team, so I've created one for the Titans since most of my readers are devoted Tennessee Titans fans.

To capture the Titan's team colors, wear a long (or short) sleeve tee in a navy and white stripe layered under a pale blue sweater.  For colder temperatures, add either a dark charocal grey or navy jacket for extra warmth.  You can pop the color red in by using a scarf, shoes, or even a handbag.  Simple yet fan worthy, right?

Titans - What to Wear

Which team will you be pulling for this Fall?
Happy Shopping!