yellow and grey

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Celebrate and Shine On

Unless you live in a hole or completely ignore the entire month of December, you will more than likely attend some kind of festive party this season.  Christmas parties will start gearing up in the next few weeks and all of us breathe a heavy sigh wondering "What do I wear?"  "Do I dress up or wear jeans?"  "Tights or bare legs?"

One thing is for sure, DO NOT wear any item of clothing that has some kind of festive decoration or applique.  I don't care if you are a school teacher and you think your kids find it cute.  Trust me - they don't.  Put the ugly sweaters away. 

Just say NO even if they are high tech and light up!

Here is what you can wear.  There are LOTS of options at all price points.  Enjoy the opportunity to get dressed up and have fun with it.

Option #1 - Office Work Party
I no longer work in an "office" environment, but I do have to attend my husband's office party this year so I understand the dilemma on what to wear to these events.  My advice to those of you who have to attend these functions is to "play it safe".  Don't go too tight, too short, or too flashy.  You do not want to look like the token hooker of the night and have people talking about you for the next year.  You can keep yourselves covered and still look sexy.

Office Party - play it safe

Option #2 - Couples Party or Girls' Night Out 
Here is where you get to bring on the bling.  Find a fun, sassy top and wear with your favorite jeans.  If you normally don't wear heels, now is the time to bust those babies out and give em a good run for their money.  Again - keep it classy ladies.  We are not the Kardashians so keep it PG-13.  You can make it R-rated when you get home.

Holiday Party - Couples

Option #3 - Family Gathering
As much as our family can drive us to drink during the holidays, you might as well look cute while getting a good buzz on.  Add a little peek-a-book sparkle to a blazer and pair with your favorite jeans.  If heels are bit much, then go for a flat boot.  It will look cute too! 

Holiday Family Gathering

No matter what you wear, enjoy your holiday season with family, friends, and loved ones.  

Happy Shopping!